I want to have a pool of Redis database connections with a max number of connections. It looks like Lwt_pool
is the solution I am looking for, but I don't quite grasp how it should work. For example, some questions I have:
The docs talk about Lwt_pool
being great to reuse open connections, but how does the pool know what connections are available for reuse? As far as I see, there is no particular way to signal that and the API only provides the use
Is there any resource better than the Lwt
docs to learn how it works? I can't easily find code examples or many resources available about it.
The function you pass to use
returns a thread. When the thread finishes, the connection is released back to the pool.
The source code is fairly easy to read. In this case:
let use p f =
acquire p >>= fun c ->
(fun () ->
let t = f c in
t >>= fun _ ->
release p c;
(fun e ->
checked_release p c;
Lwt.fail e)