I have a working app using Graphview in Android Studio. API 18 using com.jjoe64:graphview:3.1.3
When I try to add data that has (x(I+1) b- x(I)) < 0
the app crashes with "Unfortunately. app has stopped.
Is this a bug or are negative deltaX not allowed?
Here is a sample
GraphViewSeries exampleSeries = new GraphViewSeries(new GraphViewData[] {
new GraphViewData(1, 40)
, new GraphViewData(2, 12)
, new GraphViewData(3, 7)
, new GraphViewData(2, 8) //note negative delta x
, new GraphViewData(4, 10)
It's not allowed - that's how it's documented to work:
- the values must be in the correct order! x-value has to be ASC.