Below is my template snippet in which Windows Custom AMI is used to create the server. Here cfn-init.exe is not getting executed even if I have given it in the userdata block. As a result no files are gettting created in my server. Please help.
Thanks in Advance.
"Metadata":{ "AWS::CloudFormation::Init":{
"config":{ "files":{ "c:\\cfn
"content":{ "Fn::Join":[ "",[ "main\n","stack=",
{ "Ref":"AWS::StackName"},"\n","region=",
{ "Ref":"AWS::Region"},"\n",
cfn-auto-reloader.conf":{ "content":{
"Fn::Join":[ "",[ "cfn-auto-reloader-hook\n",
"action=cfn-init.exe -v -s ",{ "Ref":"AWS::StackName"},"
-r CMServer",
" --region ",
"Fn::Join":[ "",[
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n",
"<add name=\"core\" connectionString=\"user id=user;password=******;Data Source=",
{ "Fn::GetAtt": },
"<add name=\"master\" connectionString=\"user id=user;password=******;Data Source=",
{ "Fn::GetAtt": },
"<add name=\"web\" connectionString=\"user id=user;password=******;Data Source=",
{ "Fn::GetAtt": },
"mode" : "000644",
"owner" : "root",
"group" : "root"
cfn-hup.conf", "c:\\cfn\\hooks.d
"cfn-init.exe -v -s ",
" -r CMServer",
" --region ",
"Tags":[ `enter code here`
I got solved the problem. the problem was with template JSON format. I tried with single quotes(') instead of double like "\n",
. hence solved.
thank you for your response.