I want to show error message if the date in a specific variable is greater than today's date. For it I wrote following code but it's gigiving the error: "Catchable fatal error: Object of class DateTime could not be converted to string in /var/www/web/print.php on line 9"
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
$form_data['trans_date'] = '12-11-2014';
$newTransDate = DateTime::createFromFormat('!m-d-Y', $form_data['trans_date']);
$today_date = new DateTime();
echo "Trans Date " . $newTransDate; die; //This is line no.9
if($newTransDate > $today_date)
echo "Error";
echo "Success";
What modifications need to be done to the above code in order to function everything with proper comparison of two dates?
You need to use ->format()
on that created DateTime object if your intent is to get the date that you want.
echo "Trans Date " . $newTransDate->format('Y-m-d'); // and remove that die!