I've made a library which I'd like to compile to an SWC file, I've tried to do this in FDT by choosing FDT AS3 Library as Run settings, but all I end up with is a 0kb .swc file. Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong? I can't find much when I google it either, if anybody has a quick walkthrough on how to do it saved in your bookmarks or something, that would be great!
Many thanks,
You can always download the flex sdx and compile swc's with compc (component compiler). The command would look something like:
path_to_flex_sdk\bin\compc -source-path source_path -output output_path\my_swc.swc -include-classes DocumentClass
replacing path_to_flex_sdk with the path to wherever you installed the sdk, source_path with the path to your source code, output_path with wherever you want the swc placed, and DocumentClass with the name of your document class (which should be in the directory specified by source_path).
Good luck!