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Android Aidl Compile Error: couldn't find import for class

(I know there're multiple questions on stackoverflow and elsewhere (like google group) about adding parcelable for NetworkInfo but this is not about that.)

My work is under $(AOSP_ROOT)/device/ and involves multiple aidl files. one of it is like,

package com.example;

parcelable SomeRequest;

And another aidl is like,

package com.example;

import com.example.SomeRequest;
interface SomeService {
    SomeRequest getRequest();

And I'll get compile errors like,

device/somedevice/sdk/libs/aidl/com/example/SomeService.aidl:9: couldn't find import for class com.example.SomeRequest

I'm wondering it is the order of processing aidl files. My looks like,

LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src) $(call all-Iaidl-files-under, aidl)
LOCAL_AIDL_INCLUDES := $(call all-Iaidl-files-under, aidl)

This build error is introduced after I moved aidl files from src/ folder to aidl/ folder (for some reason I have to do so). It worked before but now even if I moved it back to src/ folder it doesn't work anymore. I tried to clean up $(AOSP_ROOT)/out/device/target but it's not helping.



  • Finally I got it resolved.

    If you dig into /build/core/, you'll find that LOCAL_AIDL_INCLUDES is actually the folders to be included during AIDL compiling phase in addition to the default folders like framework or so.

    $(aidl_java_sources): PRIVATE_AIDL_FLAGS := -b $(addprefix -p,$(aidl_preprocess_import)) -I$(LOCAL_PATH) -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/src $(addprefix -I,$(LOCAL_AIDL_INCLUDES))

    In this specific case, what you want is actually,

    LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src) $(call all-Iaidl-files-under, aidl)