We are going to upload new version of our app to iOS App Store.
For previos version CFBundleShortVersionString was "1.9.2" and CFBundleVersion was "1.92.0". For current version we are going to use CFBundleShortVersionString:"1.10" and CFBundleVersion:"1.100.0".
But we afraid if App Store won't detect our 1.10 version as new. Won't it be recognized as older than previos version with CFBundleVersion:"1.92.0".
In other words, is CFBundleVersion:"1.100.0" will be higher than CFBundleVersion:"1.92.0" ?
Does anybody know how Apple compare CFBundleVersion parameter of uploaded builds?
Thank you for the answers.
Yes, 1.100.0 is > 1.92.0. Apple uses semantic versioning.
From left to right, as long as none of the numbers are less than the new number, you are good.
For your example, the check goes something along the lines of (pseudo):
var oldVersionSems = "1.92.0".split(".")
var newVersionSems = "1.100.0".split(".")
var maxIndex = MIN(oldVersionSems.length, newVersionSems.length)
var isNewer = false
for (int i = 0; i < maxIndex, i++) {
isNewer = newVersionSems[i] > oldVersionSems[i].toInt()
if (isNewer) break
A good resource for how semantic versioning works is http://semver.org