On the Sonata Admin login screen the default translation is "Authentication", but i'd like to be able to change this.
Inside \vendor\sonata-project\user-bundle\Resources\views\Admin\Security\login.html.twig
there is this line:
<div class="header">{{ 'title_user_authentication'|trans({}, 'SonataUserBundle') }}</div>
The translation for this is found in \vendor\sonata-project\user-bundle\Resources\translations\SonataUserBundle.en.xliff
, i.e.:
<trans-unit id="title_user_authentication">
I am trying to work out how I can change this from within my own bundles. This scenario doesn't appear to be covered in the Sonata documentation, which is very good.
Overriding translations is not specific to Sonata, but to Symfony.
See the "Overriding any part of a bundle" section of the symfony doc : http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/bundles/override.html#translations