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Hartl Rails Tutorial: upcase-ing email address in user_test

I'm about halfway through the Rails tutorial (excellent, btw), and have a little question. Is there a reason that this test uses = and not the more succinct ?

Here is the full test.

test "email addresses should be unique" do
    duplicate_user = @user.dup =
    assert_not duplicate_user.valid?

As far as I can tell, the test performs correctly doing it either way.


  • I'm not familiar with the tutorial but you seem to be asking why the test is not written as:

    test "email addresses should be unique" do
      duplicate_user = @user.dup
      assert_not duplicate_user.valid?

    In this case, the line will just return the upcased email. It will not affect the attribute on the object. The test still passes because the duplicate_user has the same email address as the original @user, satisfying the test spec that email addresses should be unique.

    What the test is actually doing is verifying that the code recognises an upcased email to be the same as a downcased email. In such a case, the original line in the test has the effect of assigning to the email attribute of the duplicate_user an upcased version of the email address.