Given two lists of variables, what is the most compact and canonical way in ISO Prolog to determine the union of both? That is, we want a definition for the (meta-logical) predicates
varset_union(VarSet1, VarSet2, Union)
and for a list of lists
varset_union(VarSets, Union)
where Union
is a list of unique variables of the given VarSet
Here is an overview of the built-ins in ISO/IEC 13211-1:1995 including Cor.2:2012.
Solution using term_variables/2
varset_union(VarSet1, VarSet2, Union):-
term_variables([VarSet1|VarSet2], Union).
varset_union(VarSets, Union):-
term_variables(VarSets, Union).
Solution using setof/3
varset_union(VarSet1, Varset2, Union):-
varset_union([VarSet1, VarSet2], Union).
varset_union([], []).
varset_union(VarSets, Union):-
setof(Var, VarSet^(member(VarSet, VarSets), member(Var, VarSet)), Union).