Ok, I know better than to use nulls as a design choice, but in this case I have to. Why the following does not compile?
def test[T<:AnyRef](o :Option[T]) :T = o getOrElse null
Error:(19, 53) type mismatch;
found : Null(null)
required: T
Note: implicit method foreignKeyType is not applicable here because it comes after the application point and it lacks an explicit result type
def test[T<:AnyRef](o :Option[T]) :T = o getOrElse null
Null is a subtype of all reference types, but the fact that T is a subtype of AnyRef doesn't guarantee that T is a reference type -- in particular, Nothing is a subtype of AnyRef which does not contain null.
Your code Works if you add a lower bound:
def test[T >:Null <:AnyRef](o :Option[T]) :T = o getOrElse null;
It works:
scala> def test[T >:Null <:AnyRef](o :Option[T]) :T = o getOrElse null;
test: [T >: Null <: AnyRef](o: Option[T])T
scala> test(None)
res0: Null = null
scala> test(Some(Some))
res1: Some.type = Some