Hy Guys
The last few days I've been reading some articles and blogs about scrum. But I'm not quite sure if scrum would fit for our process.
In our company we have our own developers for our sofware wich is used by engineers (about 100 engineers). Our developers are continnous implementing new features and improving the Software. So we are cyclical providing a new Version of the Software. The engineers are using the Software for the configuration of PLC's.
Does it make sens to use scrum for such a Project and I don't mean the daily-scrum. Does it make sens to provide / distribute every 4-6 weeks a new increment / Version of the Software. It also would mean, that the documentation for the new version and the distribution is need to be done.
What is your opinion?
It looks as though Scrum would be an excellent fit for you.
You get to choose the length of a sprint, though it cannot be longer than 30 days. Throughout the sprint, you work on each product backlog item until it is 'done'. Done means that all work is completed, including any necessary documentation. By the end of the sprint, you should have a 'potentially releasable product increment'.
Whether the product increment is released or not, is decided by the product owner.