I’m trying to construct a CMap from “FontFile2” in a PDF.
I have bytes that I know are BigEndian stored in an NSData object. I’d like to read the first 4 bytes as raw data. Then I’d like to read the following 8 bytes as 4 unsigned shorts.
Then I’d like to read the following 16 bytes as a 4 byte string followed by three unsigned longs. Then maybe a few more 4 byte strings followed by three unsigned longs.
NSData* subdata = [stream subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, 4)];
const unsigned char *bytes = [subdata bytes];
int test = *(int*)bytes;
My failed attempt at reading the first 4 bytes as a short. It seems that breaking up the data into a bunch of subdata objects is overly complex. Their must be an easier way...
Generally, if you want to read bytes, you should create an NSInteger
to store the position of read bytes.
For example, this is how you read short
@property NSInteger position;
NSData *yourData;
short extractedShort;
[yourData getBytes:&temp range:NSMakeRange(self.position, sizeof(extractedShort))];
self.position += sizeof(extractedShort);
Read int
, NSString
, float
, long
... value are similar