I am having trouble authenticating my bugzilla user from pybugz.
PyBugz v0.9.3
Bugzilla v4.4.6
I'm using this older version of pybugz because I believe I need it for gitzilla.
Anonymous login to bugzilla has been allowed by setting the option requirelogin = off.
I can successfully retrieve a bug anonymously with this command
bugz -b http://bugs.domain.org.au --skip-auth get 1
but when I attempt to authenticate with this
bugz -b http://bugs.domain.org.au -u me@bugs.domain.org.au -p mypassword get 1
I receive this message
* Using http://bugs.domain.org.au
* Getting bug 1 ..
! Error: Failed to login
The username and password in the console command above are the same that I use to login to bugzilla from a web browser.
The contents of ~/.bugzrc are:
base: http://bugs.domain.org.au/xmlrpc.cgi
user: me@domain.org.au
password: mypassword
httpuser: me
httppassword: mypassword
logfile: /var/log/pybugz.log
loglevel: debug
forget: True
columns: 80
encoding: utf-8
quiet: False
Same thing happens using the config file:
bugz --connection bugs --skip-auth get 1
bugz --connection bugs get 1
does not work
Nothing is written to the log file. The log file permissions are myuser:root 666.
Bugzilla changed their authentication mechanism in v4.4.3.
Pybugz added support for the new authentication but also dropped support for python 2.
Since Gitzilla requires pybugs I had to port gitzilla to python 3 and then add the token support.
You can clone it here: https://github.com/gtait/gitzilla
Tested and working with Bugzilla 4.4.6 and 4.2.11 using pybugz 0.11.1 on python3.