Consider a (meta-logical) predicate var_in_vars(Var, Vars)
which takes a variable Var
and a list of variables Vars
and succeeds if Var
occurs in Vars
. So we do not need to ensure that Var
is a variable, nor that Vars
is a list of variables.
What is the most compact and canonical way to express this in ISO Prolog? Here is an overview of the built-ins in ISO/IEC 13211-1:1995 including Cor.2:2012.
?- var_in_vars(V, [U,V,W]).
?- var_in_vars(V, [X,Y,Z]).
One possibility:
var_in_vars(V, Vs) :- \+ unify_with_occurs_check(V, Vs).
and shorter:
var_in_vars(V, Vs) :- \+ subsumes_term(V, Vs).
EDIT: Future readers, please take into account the context of the question, which is a specific compactness challenge involving the expressivity of ISO predicates under given circumstances.
In other circumstances, you will likely benefit more from a definition like:
var_in_vars(V, Vs) :-
must_be(list, Vs),
once((member(X, Vs), V == X)).