I have some Models in Laravel, but one of them is behaving strange...
this is kinda embarrassing,
I have somehow managed to have different colum names on my production server from my Development machine... on my Development machine, the column is called creation_id, but on my production machine, it is called creation...
I have a Creation that has many Events the event belongs to the Creation and hasMany eventAttendees the eventAttendees belongs to events, and can access the creation->title that is is grand parent for convenience
on my Development machine, everything is working as I would expect, but on my live server, I get the id instead of the creation from Event->creation...
notice, that EventAttende->getEventCreationTitleAttribute works until 'getCreationTitleAttribute', this Means that EventAttende->event() works...
I am using laravel 4.1
This is the relevant code, the getCreationTitleAttribute is called from frozenNodes administrator
// Filename: /app/models/Event.php
namespace XXX;
class Event extends \Eloquent
protected $connection = 'legacy';
public function creation()
return $this->belongsTo('XXX\Creation', 'creation_id');
public function getCreationTitleAttribute()
$x = $this->creation; // I have also tried $this->creation()->first() which returns null on live server
// This should be the normal behaviour, the test shouldn't even be necessary
// And the test wasn't there before i uploaded to my live server
if (is_object($x))
return $x->title;
// This is the flow I would expect,
// and the flow I get on my production machine...
return $x;
public function eventAttende()
return $this->hasMany('XXX\EventAttende');
// Filename: /app/models/Creation.php
namespace XXX;
class Creation extends \Eloquent
protected $connection = 'legacy';
public function Creation()
public function events()
return $this->hasMany('XXX\Event');
// Filename: /app/models/EventAttende.php
namespace XXX;
class EventAttende extends \Eloquent
protected $connection = 'legacy';
// this works
public function event()
return $this->belongsTo('XXX\Event', 'event');
public function getEventCreationTitleAttribute()
return $this->event()->first()->creationTitle;
I am using frozennodes administrator to show the data. (The business code is an older legacy platform, so I don't use the data from laravel yet.)
the column definition part that uses the attribute is this:
* The display columns
'columns' => array(
'creation_title' => array(
'title' => 'Kreation',
//'name_field' => 'full_name',
//'type' => 'relationship',
//'relationship' => 'creation',
'name' => array(
'title' => 'Navn'
I had somehow managed to have different colum names on my production server from my Development machine...