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IMAP Folders with MailCore2

I'm downloading my folders with a MCOIMAPFetchFoldersOperation which gives me a nice list of all my folders:

  • [Gmail]
  • [Gmail]/All Mail
  • [Gmail]/Drafts
  • [Gmail]/Important
  • [Gmail]/Sent Mail
  • [Gmail]/Starred
  • [Gmail]/Trash

When I'm fetching the messages for my folders I get a good chunk of duplicates, since the same message can exist in INBOX, [Gmail]/All Mail and [Gmail]/Important et al. at the same time. I check for dupes with the messages UID, but a UID is only unique in a particular folder so that's useless in this case.

What would the most compatible approach be?


  • As noted in Gmail IMAP extensions, you can fetch the X-GM-MSGID attribute for a message. This value is unique across folders.

    You could fetch the X-GM-MSGID value for all new messages, check which messages you have downloaded already, and download the ones that are missing.

    This is what fetching a message id looks like in IMAP; not sure exactly how to do that in Mailcore2.

    a006 FETCH 1 (X-GM-MSGID)
    * 1 FETCH (X-GM-MSGID 1278455344230334865)
    a006 OK FETCH (Success)

    This is specific to Gmail. You can check whether the server supports it by looking for X-GM-EXT-1 in the CAPABILITY response. As far as I know, there is no standard way to do this; the IMAP RFCs don't have the concept of the same message being present in multiple mailboxes.