Hah. So. I've been playing with this particular query where I'm trying to delete a large swath of rows but I end up not doing what I'm expecting. I've run various variations of this query and I'm not having any luck.
Basically I'm trying to do this:
DELETE FROM table WHERE country <> 'MX' OR 'CA';
DELETE FROM table WHERE foobar NOT IN ( 12 OR 5 );
DELETE FROM table WHERE foobar NOT IN ( 'foo' ) OR ( 'bar' );
And a couple other ideas I had that weren't working. I'm just uploading a fresh dataset for the umpteenth time I'd appreciate some help in the right direction.
Actually, logical operators like "OR" are applied to conditions but not values.
So, you can use either
DELETE FROM table WHERE country <> 'MX' AND country <> 'CA';
DELETE FROM table WHERE country NOT IN ('MX', 'CA')
The second one is preferable.