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How can I 'Split' my data set in R?

I've been trying for quite some time to get my test data to split.

> FDF <- read.csv.ffdf(file='C:\\Users\\William\\Desktop\\R Data\\TestData0812.txt', header = FALSE, colClasses=c('factor','factor','numeric','numeric','numeric','numeric'), sep=',')
> names(FDF)<- c('Date','Time','Open','High','Low','Close')
> # ID
> FDF2 <-FDF[1:100,]
> FDF2 <- as.ffdf(FDF2)
> a <- nrow(FDF2)
> # Take section of import for testing
> FDF2[1:3,]
        Date  Time   Open   High    Low  Close
1 1987.08.28 12:00 1.6238 1.6240 1.6237 1.6239
2 1987.08.28 12:01 1.6239 1.6240 1.6235 1.6236
3 1987.08.28 12:02 1.6236 1.6239 1.6235 1.6238
> ID <- data.frame(matrix(1:a, nrow = a, ncol=1 ))
> ID <- as.ffdf(ID)
> names(ID) <- c('ID')
> FDF3 <- cbind.ffdf2(ID, FDF2)
> # Create ID column and binds together
> FDF3[1:3,]
  ID       Date  Time   Open   High    Low  Close
1  1 1987.08.28 12:00 1.6238 1.6240 1.6237 1.6239
2  2 1987.08.28 12:01 1.6239 1.6240 1.6235 1.6236
3  3 1987.08.28 12:02 1.6236 1.6239 1.6235 1.6238

The file I will be using this on is an ffdf object, as it is 700mb. I would like to know how I could split the dataset?

My current code is;

T = ffdfdply(FDF3, split(FDF3$ID, rep(1:10,each=10)))

I have done quite a few variation of this and research across the forum and other. However, for simplicity I've just included the above example.

Upon operation the code above gives me the following error;

Error in ffdfdply(FDF3, split(FDF3$ID, rep(1:10, each = 10))) :
split needs to be the same length as the number of rows in x

I can't seem to understand why a split of rep(1:10, each = 10) is not working in a data set that is > dim(FDF3) [1] 100 7

I would like the split to perform even if there are not a full amount of rows for each split also, lets say: T = ffdfdply(FDF3, split(FDF3$ID, rep(1:10,each=3)))

I've been on this for at least 20 hours.


  • I couldn't figure out the correct usage of the ffdfdplyr package, and I am still unaware of whether it would have been a correct usage or not. However, I have constructed a work around and hope someone finds it useful. I would add, it is indeed ugly, therefore I'm open to suggestion on how to simply this and would appreciate your comments.

    ffdfEnd <- 5 
    # Variable
    ffdfrows = nrow(FDF3)
    ffdfStart <- 1 
    ffdfLoop <- ffdfStart 
    ffdfSplitSize <- ffdfEnd
    # Creates constants and varaibles
    splitNum <- ffdfrows/ffdfEnd
    # Calculates the number of split required
    ffdf.names <- paste('FFDF', ffdfSplitSize, ffdfLoop:splitNum,sep='.')
    # Creates names to be pasted to resulting tables
    for (i in ffdfLoop:splitNum) {
            assign(ffdf.names[i], as.ffdf(FDF3[ffdfStart:ffdfEnd,]))
            ffdfStart = (ffdfEnd)
            ffdfEnd = (ffdfEnd + ffdfSplitSize)}
    # loops over until requirments are fulfilled`