I'm using Test Explorer to filter tests. In the search box, you can use traits to pull out tests for certan categories. For example:
Will filter just the tests with the test category of "Awesome".
However, we've now, say, built tests with the category of "Awesomeness" as well.
So to get those, you do:
However, now when you use:
, you now get tests with category of "Awesome" as well as "Awesomeness" as it's partially being matched - "Awesomeness".
Is there a way to specify tests with exact matching on the trait name, rather than the default partial matching?
I think it's impossible in the current version of Text Explorer. There is one workaround that you can use in order to filter out some unwanted results:
Trait:"Awesome" -Trait:"Awesomeness"
or even
Trait:"Awesome" -Trait:"Awesomen"