I have this monstrous query here:
SELECT t.technician_id AS techID, CONCAT(t.first_name, ' ', t.last_name) AS technicianName, h.date, p.name
FROM technician t
JOIN technician_date td ON t.technician_id = td.technician_id
JOIN hours_input_on_date h ON h.id = td.hours_input_on_date_id
JOIN technician_date_project tdp ON tdp.technician_date_id = td.technician_date_id
JOIN projects p ON p.id = tdp.project_id
SELECT h.date, p.name
FROM technician t
JOIN technician_date td ON t.technician_id = td.technician_id
JOIN hours_input_on_date h ON h.id = td.hours_input_on_date_id
JOIN technician_date_project tdp ON tdp.technician_date_id = td.technician_date_id
JOIN projects p ON p.id = tdp.project_id
GROUP BY h.date, p.name
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) temp ON h.date = temp.date AND p.name = temp.name
SELECT MAX(date) AS latestDate, name
SELECT h.date, p.name
FROM technician t
JOIN technician_date td ON t.technician_id = td.technician_id
JOIN hours_input_on_date h ON h.id = td.hours_input_on_date_id
JOIN technician_date_project tdp ON tdp.technician_date_id = td.technician_date_id
JOIN projects p ON p.id = tdp.project_id
GROUP BY h.date, p.name
HAVING COUNT(*) > 1) t
GROUP BY t.name) temp1 ON temp1.latestDate = temp.date AND temp1.name = temp.name;
What this is doing is getting the technicians and projects for cases when more than one technician worked on the same project on the same day. See my previous question for clarification. This is what the first group of joins, and the first join subquery accomplish.
Now, I would just like to get the latest group of techs who worked on a project on the same day. I've added another self join that gets the max date from the group of projects where multiple techs worked on the same day. Is there a more efficient way to remove that last JOIN
block and still limit the grouping to the latest date, or is a self-join the only way to go?
For more clarification, let's say I took the last JOIN
block out, I would see something like this:
| tech | date | project |
| Adam | 2014-12-04 | Math |
| John | 2014-12-04 | Math |
| Jane | 2014-12-04 | Math |
| Adam | 2014-12-05 | Math |
| John | 2014-12-05 | Math |
I would like to only see the last two rows, because it was the most recent group for that project, but can I do it more efficiently than joining all of my tables again?
Here is an SQL Fiddle that helps demonstrate the differences.
you could nest a "max(date) group by name" in your subquery:
SELECT t.technician_id AS techID, CONCAT(t.first_name, ' ', t.last_name) AS technicianName, h.date, p.name
FROM technician t
JOIN technician_date td ON t.technician_id = td.technician_id
JOIN hours_input_on_date h ON h.id = td.hours_input_on_date_id
JOIN technician_date_project tdp ON tdp.technician_date_id = td.technician_date_id
JOIN projects p ON p.id = tdp.project_id
SELECT max(date) date, name from (
SELECT h.date, p.name
FROM technician t
JOIN technician_date td ON t.technician_id = td.technician_id
JOIN hours_input_on_date h ON h.id = td.hours_input_on_date_id
JOIN technician_date_project tdp ON tdp.technician_date_id = td.technician_date_id
JOIN projects p ON p.id = tdp.project_id
GROUP BY h.date, p.name
) subtemp
group by name
) temp ON h.date = temp.date AND p.name = temp.name;