I'm trying to figure out how to loop over verticies within a container and adding edges between the current vertice in the loop and a given vertice.
This is what I have so far: This gives me an array of all vertice id's within the given container:
Now I want to loop/iterate over all the id's in this array, get the vertice of the id and add an edge between a given vertice and the current vertice in the loop.
Anyone that knows how this can be done?
You can make a sideEffect
that adds the new edges.
With the toy tinker graph:
g = TinkerGraphFactory.createTinkerGraph()
let's assume you want to link peter to all neighbors of marko (out only)
givenVertex = g.V('name','peter').next()
g.V('name','marko').out.sideEffect{g.addEdge(givenVertex,it, 'yourLabel')}
verify result:
==>lop // lop appears twice because edge peter -> lop was present previous to operation