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CodeIgniter core library extensions within subfolders

I am curious if it is possible to organize library extensions within subfolders of the libraries directory within codeigniter application.

For example lets say we want to extend the 'Form_validation' library. The default way to extend this core library would be to create a class with the same name prepending 'MY_', and saving it as follows:


Now let's say we want to keep all of our extended libraries we have created within a subfolder called 'extensions' like such:


When trying the above the extended library is ignored and the default Form_validation class is loaded. Once this happened my first thought was to modify the subclass_prefix within /application/config/config.php to include the 'extensions' directory, however this resulted in an error stating:

Non-existent class: Form_validation

Is it possible to organize your extended libraries in this fashion within codeigniter? Does anyone know how it is done?


  • If It's have a sub-folder


    and after you can access like..
