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Using Objective-C code in iOS Cocoa Static Library project with Swift code in iOS Application project

I am looking for a simple procedure for combining an Objective-C code from a shared library project with Swift code from an application project but have had no success so far with this sequence:

  1. start Xcode 6.1.1
  2. create workspace Test
  3. create iOS Cocoa Touch Static Library project TestLibrary and add it to workspace
  4. create iOS Single View Application project Test (language: Swift) and add it to workspace
  5. add import TestLibrary to ViewController.swift

If I now build Test, I receive this error in ViewController.swift: No such module: ‘TestLibrary’.

Presumably two hurdles must be overcome:

  1. Tell TestLibrary that is should "export" TestLibrary.h. What is the right syntax and procedure for adding the (presumably) required bridging header file?
  2. Tell Test where TestLibrary is located. Since both the application and static library projects belong to the same workspace (and sit in the file system next to each other) I assume no explicit steps are required, or are there?

So in summary, my question is this: how can I overcome the build error even if I subsequently add let test = TestLibrary() to ViewController.swift, i.e. how can Test (Swift code base) make use of TestLibrary (Objective-C code base)?


  • This procedure seems to work (for single app target):

    1. Do not add import TestLibrary, since both the Swift and Objective-C code will reside in the same app target
    2. Create Test-Bridging-Header.h to Test and add #import "TestLibrary/TestLibrary.h"
    3. Set build setting Objective-C Bridging Header: Test/Test-Bridging-Header.h for Test
    4. Drag libTestLibrary.a from TestLibrary (under Products) into Test's Link Library With Binaries (under Build Phases)
    5. Add let test = TestLibrary() e.g. inside viewDidLoadin ViewController.swift

    Voila ...