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Incorrectly parse json into NSDictionary

I am trying store text fields data into a NSDictionary from json. I have used SBJson for this.

               "text":"Best Wishes",
              "text":"Test  text",

My code:


     NSDictionary *jsonDict = [jsonString JSONValue];
     NSDictionary *fieldsDict =[jsonDict valueForKey:@"fields"];
     NSDictionary *textFieldsDict = [fieldsDict valueForKey:@"textFields"];
     NSLog(@" Dictionary %@ ",textFieldsDict );


But its output as follows.

Dictionary (
         text = Congratulations;
         textSize = 12;
        text = "Best Wishes";
        textSize = 15;
         text = "Test  text";
         textSize = 10;

It seems like there are two items in dictionary and one is null. I wanted to put three textfield items into the array. How can i solve this.


  • I have corrected the json format and used NSJSONSerialization, 
        [  {"text":"Congratulations", "textSize":"12"},
           {"text":"Best Wishes", "textSize":"15"},
           {"text":"Test  text", "textSize":"10"}
       [  {"image":"test1.jpg","width":"200", "height":"100"},
          {"image":"test2.jpg", "width":"200", "height":"100"}
        NSError *e = nil;
        NSDictionary *jsonDict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:data options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&e];
        NSDictionary *fields = [jsonDict objectForKey:@"fields"];
        NSArray *textArray=[fields objectForKey:@"textFields"] ;
        NSLog(@"--- %@",textArray );