I'm building a c# console application that automatically finds updates, downloads them and installs them.
I'm using this method for the installation part:
public static void InstallUpdates(UpdateCollection DownloadedUpdates)
UpdateSession UpdateSession = new UpdateSession();
UpdateInstaller InstallAgent = UpdateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller() as UpdateInstaller;
InstallAgent.Updates = DownloadedUpdates;
//Starts a synchronous installation of the updates.
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa386491(v=VS.85).aspx#methods
IInstallationResult InstallResult = InstallAgent.Install();
According to this link, I can check whether or not a reboot is required. What I want to achieve is a system reboot that is done immediately when the RebootRequiredBeforeInstallation changes to true.
I thought of doing this, but that won't work because I can't use an else statement:
while (!InstallAgent.RebootRequiredBeforeInstallation)
} else
// Reboot
What would be the correct approach to this?
How about this:
while (!InstallAgent.RebootRequiredBeforeInstallation)
// Install things
// If the installer sets the RebootRequiredBeforeInstallation flag to
// true, the while loop will terminate and you can reboot.
if (InstallAgent.RebootRequiredBeforeInstallation)
// Reboot