For now I can do:
void MainWindow::on_actionPATH_triggered() {
std::unique_ptr<QDialog> win(new QDialog());
Should I use async
/ run in separate threadto avoid blocking main window or is there way to subscribe to close even and delete / free object there?
You can use just show()
void MainWindow::on_actionPATH_triggered() {
QDialog* win = new QDialog();
//needed connect
win->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose);//we don't want memory leak
and use
win->setModal(false);//but it is default option, you don't need to change it
From doc:
By default, this property is false and show() pops up the dialog as modeless. Setting his property to true is equivalent to setting QWidget::windowModality to Qt::ApplicationModal. exec() ignores the value of this property and always pops up the dialog as modal.
will delete your dialog, when user close it.
You can also set parent to dialog:
QDialog* win = new QDialog(this);
In this case win
will be delete with your mainWindow.
Info about Qt parent child relationship
And you don't need here separate thread.