Search code examples

OpenCart VQMod Invalid Regex Error

I'm trying to add a bit of code after the checkout->confirm function. I'm trying to add it to all the payment gateways. The Regex is:


And in the VqMod file:

<file name="catalog/controller/payment/*.php">
    <operation info="In ALL payment gateways, On order confirm, generate the file and upload it">
        <search position="after" error="log" regex="true"><![CDATA[\$this->model_checkout_order->confirm.*\);$]]></search>
            //added code here...

However, it doesn't work and just leaves

INVALID REGEX ERROR - \$this->model_checkout_order->confirm.*\);$

In the vqmod.log file.

What have I missed?


  • Regex values also need you to provide the delimiter of the regex, such as a ~


    you can optionally add the flags at the end for case insensitivity etc


    You can actually just do the same thing in your code without regex

    file name="catalog/controller/payment/*.php">
        <operation info="In ALL payment gateways, On order confirm, generate the file and upload it">
            <search position="after" error="log"><![CDATA[$this->model_checkout_order->confirm(]]></search>
                //added code here...