I try to run Celery example on Windows with redis backend. The code looks like:
from celery import Celery
app = Celery('risktools.distributed.celery_tasks',
def add(x, y):
return x + y
def add_2(x, y):
return x + y
I start the tasks using iPython console:
>>> result_1 = add.delay(1, 2)
>>> result_1.state
>>> result_2 = add_2.delay(2, 3)
>>> result_2.state
It seems that both tasks were not executed, but Celery worker output shows that they succeeded:
[2014-12-08 15:00:09,262: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: risktools.distributed.celery_tasks.add[01dedca1-2db2-48df-a4d6-2f06fe285e45]
[2014-12-08 15:00:09,267: INFO/MainProcess] Task celery_tasks.add[01dedca1-2db2-48df-a4d6-2f06fe28
5e45] succeeded in 0.0019998550415s: 3
[2014-12-08 15:00:24,219: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: risktools.distributed.celery_tasks.add[cb5505ce-cf93-4f5e-aebb-9b2d98a11320]
[2014-12-08 15:00:24,230: INFO/MainProcess] Task celery_tasks.add[cb5505ce-cf93-4f5e-aebb-9b2d98a1
1320] succeeded in 0.010999917984s: 5
I've tried to troubleshoot this issue according to Celery documentation, but none of the advices were useful. What am I doing wrong and how can I receive results from a Celery task?
I've added a task without ignore_result
parameter, but nothing has changed
def add_3(x, y):
return x + y
>>>r = add_3.delay(2, 2)
According to Celery 'Getting Started' not able to retrieve results; always pending and https://github.com/celery/celery/issues/2146 it is a Windows issue.
Celery -P threads
or --pool=solo
options solves the issue.