I am attempting to get the compared_to_national column for the readmission data located at Data.Medicare.gov This column is grayed out on the web interface making me think that it is a computed field or a join with another table.
$ curl https://data.medicare.gov/resource/7xux-kdpw? | grep national
shows that this value is not being returned at all even when everything is selected. Am I missing something here or is this data just not available?
Sorry for the late reply, but maybe I can still help out.
The greyed out values are data that was incompatible with the selected datatype at import time. In the case of Readmissions Complications and Deaths - Hospital, that's textual data that the data owner attempted to import into a Numeric column type.
Unfortunately it isn't queryable, but I'll let the account manager for CMS know so that hopefully they can have that fixed.