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Passing parameter between ViewModels using MVVMLight

I'm having a problem to pass parameters betweeen my ViewModels using the Messenger class in the MVVMLight Framework.

This is the code I'm using :


public ViewModelLocator ()
    ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => SimpleIoc.Default);

    SimpleIoc.Default.Register<INavigationService, NavigationService>();

    SimpleIoc.Default.Register(() => new MainViewModel(NavigationService));
    SimpleIoc.Default.Register(() => new SecondViewModel(NavigationService));

public MainViewModel MainViewModel
    get { return SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<MainViewModel>(); }

public SecondViewModel SecondViewModel
    get { return SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<SecondViewModel>(); }

public INavigationService NavigationService
    get { return SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance<INavigationService>(); }


private void ShowPersonDetailsCommand(object obj)
    _navigationService.NavigateTo(new Uri("/SecondPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative))


public SecondViewModel(INavigationService navigationService)
    _navigationService = navigationService;

        person =>
            Person = person;

In my MainViewModel (ShowPersonDetailsCommand), I'm navigating to a SecondPage and sending a person as parameter in the Messenger class. At this point, the person is well constructed and sent as a message.

But in the SecondViewModel constructor, the person is null :(

Is there something I'm missing ?

I thinks I did something wrong ...

For your information :

  • Windows Phone 8.1 (Silverlight)

  • MVVMLight 5.0.2

  • Visual Studio 2013 Update 4


  • I would suggest creating the SecondViewModel immediately as soon as it is registered in the ViewModelLocator. You can do that by using a overloaded method of Register.


    This will make sure that ensure that the Messenger registration happens before the message is sent.