This may not be possible as it is right now but I have a query like so
events ="(( e.date_start - {current_time} )/{one_day_p}) < 1 ").users(:u, :rel).where("rel.reminded = {reminded_p}" ).params(reminded_p: false, one_day_p: one_day, current_time: time).pluck(:e,:u, :rel)
The goal is to obtain the events
where the start_date is less than a day away. Hypothetically I've tried to pluck the event, the user and the relationship. I need to do a different action with each.
I need to get all the users
for each event
and perform an email action for each user. In that action, the email needs to have access to that event
Next, I need to update the rel.reminded
property to true
Is there a way to pluck all these simultaneously to be able to organize and perform these tasks? I started doing this individually but I have to make extra queries to make it happen. e.g.
events ="(( e.date_start - {current_time} )/{one_day_p}) < 1 ").users(:u, :rel).where("rel.reminded = {reminded_p}" ).params(reminded_p: false, one_day_p: one_day, current_time: time).pluck(:e)
then I have to
events.each do |event|
# do stuff
# do another query that is associated and do more stuff
Incorporating the answers, I have something like this without the cleaned up time method yet. I added in a where search for user as I will need to factor that in later in the email function. So I am not sure if it's more efficient to include it in the query vs doing it outside per user.
@collection ="(( e.date_start - {current_time} )/{one_day_p}) < 1 ").users(:u).where(setting_reminder: true).rel_where(reminded: false ).params(one_day_p: one_day, current_time: time).pluck(:e, 'COLLECT(u)', 'COLLECT(rel)')
but rel
is not defined with this query.
First off, if you're using v4 of the gem, use rel_where
instead of where
with a string for your relationship!
You should be able to change your pluck to pluck(:e, 'COLLECT(u)', 'COLLECT(rel)')
and it'll give you a big enumerable of events, users, and rels, all grouped in parent arrays based on event. It'd be organized like this:
[event1, [user1a, user1b, user1c], [rel1a, rel1b, rel1c]],
[event2, [user2a, user2b, user2c], [rel2a, rel2b, rel2c]]
The position of each rel matches its user, so rel1a
is the relationship between the event and user1a
You can set that to @collection = my_big_query
and then do @collection.each do |event, users, rels|
in your view to loop through. You'd do each_with_index
on users and the index of the user would correspond to the position within rels
. It'd look something like:
<%= @collection.each do |event, users, rels| %>
<%= %>
<% users.each_with_index do |user, i| %>
<%= %> said they were attending at <%= rels[i].confirmed_at %>.<br />
<% end %>
<% end %>