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racket postfix to prefix

I have a series of expressions to convert from postfix to prefix and I thought that I would try to write a program to do it for me in DrRacket. I am getting stuck with some of the more complex ones such as (10 (1 2 3 +) ^).

I have the very simple case down for (1 2 \*)(\* 1 2). I have set these expressions up as a list and I know that you have to use cdr/car and recursion to do it but that is where I get stuck.

My inputs will be something along the lines of '(1 2 +).

I have for simple things such as '(1 2 +):

(define ans '())
(define (post-pre lst)
  (set! ans (list (last lst) (first lst) (second lst))))

For the more complex stuff I have this (which fails to work correctly):

(define ans '())
(define (post-pre-comp lst)
  (cond [(pair? (car lst)) (post-pre-comp (car lst))]
        [(pair? (cdr lst)) (post-pre-comp (cdr lst))]
        [else (set! ans (list (last lst) (first lst) (second lst)))]))

Obviously I am getting tripped up because (cdr lst) will return a pair most of the time. I'm guessing my structure of the else statement is wrong and I need it to be cons instead of list, but I'm not sure how to get that to work properly in this case.


  • Try something like this:

    (define (postfix->prefix expr)
        [(and (list? expr) (not (null? expr)))
         (define op (last expr))
         (define args (drop-right expr 1))
         (cons op (map postfix->prefix args))]
        [else expr]))

    This operates on the structure recursively by using map to call itself on the arguments to each call.