this is my first experience with Infragistics components. I have WinForm project with form including UltraNumericEditor with this setting:
FormatString: ### ### ###.##
MinValue: 0
Nullable: true
NullText: [N/A]
NumericType: Double
TabNavigation: NextControl
On component is no event. If I want to write into "text box" 0 (zero), text box is empty, I don't see any char, but in code behind this component return right value.
Other numbers are allright and I don't know why. Does anyone experience with this behavior?
that is because you use '#' as Formatstring
you have to use something like
### ### ##0.00
C2' for currency
this is from msdn
Replaces the "#" symbol with the corresponding digit if one is present; otherwise, no digit appears in the result string.
here is a link for better understanding