I need to have a few UIViewControllers that look very similar yet have different behaviours, so I thought I'd make a general UIViewController subclass with a xib, then subclass it when I need to, for those different UIViewController's that look alike.
I'm trying to achieve the following
UIViewController subclass (that has a xib file associated) -> and being able to subclass it as many times as i'd like (without additional xib files for the children)
what I've done so far :
xib file represents a UIViewController with multiple UI Elements.
I've set all the connections to file's owner @ xib file.
the subclass with the xib contains this @ init method:
self = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"ParentViewController"]
owner:self options:nil] objectAtIndex:0];
when I connect the View property in the xib to file's owner I get an exception saying I can't have the View property connected to both parent and child UIViewControllers.
yet when the View property is only connected to the UIViewController that the xib is associated with, I get a blank screen, and that outlet isn't disconnectable.
If I instantiate the parent vc instead of the child, everything works fine, If everything is done programatically and not with a xib, also everything works fine.
since this UIViewController displays A LOT of UI elements, I'm trying to set it with a xib.
I just don't really understand how can I get the child ViewControllers to look like the parent's xib file and have their own additions and behaviours.
If you only have an xib for the parent class (but none of the subclasses), you can just do this in your subclass init:
- (instancetype) init {
if (self = [super initWithNibName:@"ParentViewController" bundle:nil]) {
// init stuff for subclass
return self;
Here's an example project: