I am trying to make a sorting function for unique large numbers in SML but the compiler keeps setting my function type to int instead of 'a. How can I explicitly tell the compiler to use IntInf?
Here is my code:
fun selectsort([a]) = [a]
| selectsort(h::t) =
if (hd(selectsort(t))) < h then hd(selectsort(t))::h::tl(selectsort(t))
else h::selectsort(t);
when I try
fun selectsort([a]) = [a]
| selectsort(l : IntInf list) =
if (hd(selectsort(tl(l)))) < hd(l) then hd(selectsort(tl(l)))::h::tl(selectsort(tl(l)))
else hd(l)::selectsort(tl(l));
it keeps giving me "Error: unbound type constructor: IntInf"
is the name of a module, the type is named IntInf.int
. Alas, your code somewhat simplified:
fun selectsort([a]) = [a]
| selectsort(x::y::t : IntInf.int list) =
if y < x then y::x::selectsort(t) else x::selectsort(y::t)
Note however that IntInf
is an optional module that is not available on all implementations. (Also, you should add a case for the empty list.)