I feel foolish asking this question but I've spent 2+ hours trying to solve it with no joy.
I am simply trying to get some native menu to show up on Windows. I wrote my own code and that works on OSX but no menu appears on windows, so I searched around for examples ad have tested a half dozen including this one from Adobe.
There is nothing special in what I am doing. The NativeWindow system chrome is standard, etc. I am testing this on OSX running VMWare with Windows 7 – but most things seem to work fine. I put in a trace statement which indicated that the menu was getting created on Windows.
Does anyone know what could prevent a menu getting created on Windows in a Flex WindowAplication?
private function initMenu():void
if( NativeWindow.supportsMenu){
stage.nativeWindow.menu = createAppMenu();
} else if( NativeApplication.supportsMenu ){
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.menu = createAppMenu();
private function createAppMenu():NativeMenu
var myMenu:NativeMenu = new NativeMenu();
var nameMenu:NativeMenuItem = myMenu.addItem( new NativeMenuItem( "Window World" ) );
var aboutMenu:NativeMenu = new NativeMenu();
var aboutMenuItem:NativeMenuItem = aboutMenu.addItem( new NativeMenuItem( "About" ) );
nameMenu.submenu = aboutMenu;
var fileMenu:NativeMenuItem = myMenu.addItem( new NativeMenuItem( "File" ) );
fileMenu.submenu = buildFileMenu();
return myMenu;
private function buildFileMenu():NativeMenu
var fileMenu:NativeMenu = new NativeMenu();
var closeAppMenu:NativeMenuItem = fileMenu.addItem( new NativeMenuItem( "Exit" ));
closeAppMenu.addEventListener( Event.SELECT , closeApp );
return fileMenu;
The whole Flex thing can be so annoying...
The reason the menu wasn't showing up was because I was using the creationComplete
event. Switching to windowComplete
is the correct event to use.
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
width="1024" height="768"
windowComplete="initMenu(this)" >