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mup deploy killed on DO droplet but no errors in logs :(

Even just redeploying a previously successfully deployed app doesn't work. I monitored mup logs -f on a separate terminal while deploying, but nothing ever showed up there. Looks like it doesn't even get to the actual deploy step. I have Node 0.10.31 and Meteor 1.0. Is anyone else having this problem or know how to tackle it?

~# mup deploy

Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments

Building Started: /root/TS
Bundling Error: code=137, error:

bash: line 1: 26400 Killed                  meteor build --directory /tmp/2b45aa84-0ffc-4ece-9cf4-aca8500409c3

Actually, the only errors I get relate to bots, but according to my previous posting on SO those errors do not occur during deployment and should not be a problem.


  • It turns out that upgrading from a $5/mo, 500 MB droplet to a $10/mo, 1 GB droplet solved the problem. I previously addressed the memory problem with the $5 droplet using memory swap, but that appears to have run out of mileage. Still, it would have been nice to have errors in the logs to point me in the right directions.