I ran out of disk space and had to clean up the folders on my hard disk. After the cleanup, when I run Xcode, the simulator is not coming up. I am not able to select a simulator to run, on Xcode. Most likely I deleted some folder required by simulator, in my cleanup. Xcode runs onto the device correctly. Anybody came across such a situation?
I deleted my Xcode and re-installed, but that did not solve the issue. As I can see, Simulator is a separate application (since we can close simulator without closing the Xcode). Is it possible to re-install Simulator alone? Or any other solution to get back my IOS simulator?
I know this is not a programming question, still hope can be posted here. Thanks in advance.
I was able to delete my simulator devices and re-install them by following this excerpt written for a user that was missing their simulator:
Open the Xcode > Open Developer Tool > iOS Simulator menu (if you get a pop up error just dismiss it). Once in the Simulator go to Hardware > Device > Manage Devices. Delete everything listed under simulator. Reboot your machine. After that navigate back to Manage Devices in the simulator and click the plus to add back your simulators. Then the iOS 8 simulators will show up. Hope that also helps you.
Here is where it came from: http://www.reddit.com/r/iOSProgramming/comments/2b9j2p/xcode_6_missing_ios_8_simulator/