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Error c2664 in VS 2013 C++

So, I have a class called "music" and when I try to compile the code, it gives me the following errors:

Error 13 error C2664: 'music::music(const music &)' : cannot convert argument 2 from 'const char [5]' to 'char' c:\users\andrei bordeianu\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\mediaplus\mediaplus\source.cpp 362 1 MediaPlus

14 IntelliSense: no instance of constructor "music::music" matches the argument list argument types are: (const char [5], const char [5], const char [4], const char [12], int, const char [8], const char [5], int) c:\Users\Andrei Bordeianu\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\MediaPlus\MediaPlus\Source.cpp 361 11 MediaPlus

This is the class:

// Music class.
class music {
    char* song;
    properties musicProperties;

    music() {
        cout << "Apel constructor default muzica." << endl;
        this->song = NULL;

    music(char* songName, char name, char type, char path, float size, char artist, char title, int year) {
        cout << "Apel constructor cu parametri muzica." << endl;
        if (songName) {
            this->song = new char[strlen(songName) + 1];
            strcpy(this->song, songName);
            musicProperties.setDataMusic(name, type, path, size, artist, title, year);
        } else {
            songName = NULL;

    music operator=(const music &songName) {
        cout << "Supraincarcare operator = pentru muzica." << endl;
        this->song = new char[strlen( + 1];

    music(const music &songName) {
        cout << "Apel constructor de copiere muzica." << endl;
        if ( {
            this->song = new char[strlen( + 1];
        } else {
            song = NULL;

    ~music() {
        cout << "Apel destructor muzica." << endl;
        if (this->song) {
            cout << "Apel destructor pentru: " << this->song << endl;
            delete[] song;

    friend char* getMusic(const music& m);
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, music& m);
    friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, music& m);

and this is the main:

void main() {
    music m1;
    music m2("ceva", "ceva", "mp3", "c:\data\music", 38, "Rihanna", "Stay", 2013);
    music m3 = m1;

Ok, tried your suggestions, and changed to string, and now my app looks like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

// Properties class.
class properties{
    string name;
    string type;
    string path;
    float size;

    // For images.
    int width;
    int height;

    // For music.
    string artist;
    string title;
    int year;

    properties() {
        cout << "Apel constructor default proprietati." << endl;
        this->name = "";
        this->type = "";
        this->path = "";
        this->size = 0;
        this->width = 0;
        this->height = 0;
        this->artist = "";
        this->title = "";
        this->year = 0;

    properties(string name, string type, string path, float size, int width, int height, string artist, string title, int year) {
        cout << "Apel constructor cu parametrii proprietati." << endl;
        this->name = name;
        this->type = type;
        this->path = path;
        this->size = size;
        this->width = width;
        this->height = height;
        this->artist = artist;
        this->title = title;
        this->year = year;

    char getName() {
        return this->name;

    char getType() {
        return this->type;

    char getPath() {
        return this->path;

    float getSize() {
        return this->size;

    int getWidth() {
        return this->width;

    int getHeight() {
        return this->height;

    char getArtist() {
        return this->artist;

    char getTitle() {
        return this->title;

    int getYear() {
        return this->year;

    void setName(string name){
        this->name = name;

    void setPath(string path){
        this->path = path;

    void setType(string type){
        this->type = type;

    void setSize(float size){
        this->size = size;

    void setWidth(int width){
        this->width = width;

    void setHeight(int height){
        this->height = height;

    void setArtist(string artist){
        this->artist = artist;

    void setTitle(string title){
        this->title = title;

    void setYear(int year){
        this->year = year;

    void setDataGeneral(string name, string type, string path, float size){
        cout << "Apel setter general properties." << endl;

    void setDataMusic(string name, string type, string path, float size, string artist, string title, int year){
        cout << "Apel setter music properties." << endl;

    void setDataImages(string name, string type, string path, float size, int width, int height){
        cout << "Apel setter image properties." << endl;

    // Constructor de copiere.
    properties(const properties& p){
        cout << "Apel constructor copiere properties." << endl;
        this->name =;
        this->type = p.type;
        this->path = p.path;
        this->size = p.size;
        this->width = p.width;
        this->height = p.height;
        this->artist = p.artist;
        this->title = p.title;
        this->year = p.year;

        cout << "Apel destructor properties." << endl;

// Music class.
class music {
    char* song;
    properties musicProperties;

    music() {
        cout << "Apel constructor default muzica." << endl;
        this->song = NULL;

    music(char* songName, string name, string type, string path, float size, string artist, string title, int year) {
        cout << "Apel constructor cu parametri muzica." << endl;
        if (songName) {
            this->song = new char[strlen(songName) + 1];
            strcpy(this->song, songName);
            musicProperties.setDataMusic(name, type, path, size, artist, title, year);
        } else {
            songName = NULL;

    music operator=(const music &songName) {
        cout << "Supraincarcare operator = pentru muzica." << endl;
        this->song = new char[strlen( + 1];

    music(const music &songName) {
        cout << "Apel constructor de copiere muzica." << endl;
        if ( {
            this->song = new char[strlen( + 1];
        } else {
            song = NULL;

    ~music() {
        cout << "Apel destructor muzica." << endl;
        if (this->song) {
            cout << "Apel destructor pentru: " << this->song << endl;
            delete[] song;

    friend char* getMusic( music& m); //const
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, music& m);
    friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, music& m);

// Movies class.
class movies {
    char* movie;
    properties moviesProperties;

    movies() {
        cout << "Apel constructor default filme." << endl;
        movie = NULL;

    movies(char* movieTitle, string name, string type, string path, float size) {
        cout << "Apel constructor cu parametri filme." << endl;
        if (movieTitle) {
            this->movie = new char[strlen(movieTitle) + 1];
            strcpy(this->movie, movieTitle);
            moviesProperties.setDataGeneral(name, type, path, size);
        } else {
            movie = NULL;

    movies operator=(const movies &movieTitle) {
        cout << "Supraincarcare operator = pentru filme." << endl;
        this->movie = new char[strlen( + 1];

    movies(const movies &movieTitle) {
        cout << "Apel constructor de copiere filme." << endl;
        if ( {
            this->movie = new char[strlen( + 1];
        } else {
            movie = NULL;

    ~movies() {
        cout << "Apel destructor filme." << endl;
        if (this->movie) {
            cout << "Apel destructor pentru: " << this->movie << endl;
            delete[] movie;

    friend char* getMovies(const movies& m);
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, movies& m);
    friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, movies& m);

// Images class.
class images {
    char* image;
    properties imagesProperties;

    images() {
        cout << "Apel constructor default imagini." << endl;
        image = NULL;

    images(char* imageName, string name, string type, string path, float size, int width, int height) {
        cout << "Apel constructor cu parametri imagini." << endl;
        if (imageName) {
            this->image = new char[strlen(imageName) + 1];
            strcpy(this->image, imageName);
            imagesProperties.setDataImages(name, type, path, size, width, height);
        } else {
            image = NULL;

    images operator=(const images &imageName) {
        cout << "Supraincarcare operator = pentru imagini." << endl;
        this->image = new char[strlen(imageName.image) + 1];
        strcpy(this->image, imageName.image);

    images(const images &imageName) {
        cout << "Apel constructor de copiere muzica." << endl;
        if (imageName.image) {
            this->image = new char[strlen(imageName.image) + 1];
            strcpy(this->image, imageName.image);
        else {
            image = NULL;

    ~images() {
        cout << "Apel destructor muzica." << endl;
        if (this->image) {
            cout << "Apel destructor pentru: " << this->image << endl;
            delete[] image;

    friend char* getImages(const images& i);
    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, images& i);
    friend istream& operator>>(istream& in, images& i);

char* getMovies(const movies& m) {
    if (
        return NULL;

char* getImages(const images& i) {
    if (i.image)
        return i.image;
        return NULL;

char* getMusic(music& songName) { //const
    if (
        return NULL;

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, music& s) {
    out << "Melodia este: " << << endl;
    return out;

istream& operator>>(istream& in, music& s) {
    char buffer[20];
    cout << "Melodia: "; 
    in >> buffer; = new char[strlen(buffer) + 1];
    strcpy(, buffer);
    return in;

void main() {
    music m1;
    music m2("ceva", "ceva", "mp3", "c:\data\music", 38, "Rihanna", "Stay", 2013);
    music m3 = m1;
    //cout << getMusic(m2) << endl;
    //cout << m2;
    //cin >> m2;
    //cout << m2;

and it gives me the following error(s):

Error 1 error C2440: 'return' : cannot convert from 'std::string' to 'char' c:\users\andrei bordeianu\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\mediaplus\mediaplus\source.cpp 50 1 MediaPlus


What can I to to resolve this issue ? Thanks!


  • You should try

    music(char* songName, char* name, char* type, char* path, float size, char* artist, char* title, int year);

    since char is a single character not pointer to a C string. Even better you should use a modern string class instead of old pointer stuff.