I'm new to stackoverflow and would like to thank any and all people who come across this post and gives any assistance. Sorry if this question/request seems noob-ish, I am a beginner-intermediate programmer in C++(closer to beginner I would say) but I know the basic fundamentals needed for a text-based game; however this one thing is stumping me for some reason.
Anyway, I am working on my own Text-Based Game and was looking to add a feature I saw in a video(Linked below) that when a user inputs an invalid char, or choice, would display a line of red text saying, "Previous selection was INVALID, try another from the list:" at the top of the console above the current screen/menu/submenu they were on and would stay there until the user entered a valid option. I know how to change the individual line color to red without changing the other text on the screen and how to make the error system, but how do I get it to appear at the top of my menu and stay there until the user has entered a valid option. Once I figure this out I can work on customizing it further.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gBU5rptR8I @54 Seconds in the vid
Much appreciated,
the newbie,
Clear console text (it's OS-specific, read here: How can I clear console), and simply rewrite what you had written before with your error message on top!