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What is the state-of-art algorithms for planar object recognition?

I read about SIFT, SURF, Fern, BRIFT and even the evolution algorithms. But I not sure which from those algorithms is the best. So I need your help. Of course I know each algorithms have its own advantages, so here is the key for you to classify:

  • Which is fastest in training/ recognize phases?
  • Which consume fewest memory in runtime?
  • Which can be implement for detect 3D object?

Thank you, and sorry about my bad English. In my case, I want to implement an application on smartphone to recognize a known object.


  • Your question is a bit complicated.

    There are no optimal methods for all cases but methods that suit certain very specific cases.

    If you decide to use local descriptors in your method I advise you to get started by using SIFT / SURF which are the most popular descriptors but are not very efficient (slow) and require a lot of memory. After that, you can try to replace them with binary descriptors (eg. BRIEF, ORB, BRISK, FREAK) that are much more efficient and require less storage.

    But as I said before it all depends on what you want to implement, and what are the requirements of your application.