My application has couchbase views (map-reduce). Presently, I am writing them on a text file and loading them for each new couchbase server from the couchbase admin page (tedious and error-prone process).
Is there anyway I can load all those views from text files into couchbase when am deploying a fresh couchbase server or when I create a fresh bucket ?
I remember in mysql, we used to write all insert queries and procedures onto a file and feed the file to mysql (via command prompt) for each new instance. Is there any such strategy available for couchbase ?
From your previous couchbase related questions, it seems you are using the java SDK? Both 1.4 and 2.0 lines of the SDK allow for programmatically creating desing documents and views.
You have to load your view definitions (map functions, reduce functions, in which design document to put them) somehow, as Strings. See the documentation at
Basically you create a ViewDesign
in a DesignDocument
that you insert in the database via the CouchbaseClient
DesignDocument designDoc = new DesignDocument("beers");
designDoc.setView(new ViewDesign("by_name", "function (doc, meta) {" +
" if (doc.type == \"beer\" && {" +
" emit(, null);" +
" }" +
In the same way, you have to load your view definitions (map functions, reduce functions, in which design document to put them) somehow, as Strings.
Then you deal with DesignDocument
, adding DefaultView
to it, and insert the design document in the bucket via Bucket
's BucketManager
List<View> viewsForCurrentDesignDocument = new ArrayList<View>(viewCountForCurrentDesignDoc);
//... for each view definition you loaded
View v = DefaultView.create(viewName, viewMapFunction, viewReduceFunction);
//... then create the designDocument proper
DesignDocument designDocument = DesignDocument.create(designDocName, viewsForCurrentDesignDocument);
//optionally you can insert it as a development design doc, retrieve an existing one and update, etc...