Data generated only on business days.
df['Day_of_Month'] =
Date........................................ Day_of_Month
2014-11-26 1049.25 1054.75 26
2014-11-28 1041.00 1051.50 28
2014-12-01 1010.75 1022.50 1
Can group by calendar day of month,'Day_of_Month', approx 30 per month
Goal is to group by business day of month, approx 22/month
Is there df.index.buiness_day_of_Month type function?
Tried importing BDay, special calendars and like, without success. Thank you for your help.
May be this helps
dat1$grp <- with(dat1, ave(seq_along(Date1),
format(Date1, '%m'), FUN=seq_along))
aggregate(Val~grp, dat1, FUN=sum)
Date <- seq(as.Date('2014-11-01'), length.out=80, by='1 day')
Date1 <- Date[isBizday(as.timeDate(Date))]
Day_of_Month <- as.numeric(format(Date1, '%d'))
dat1 <- data.frame(Date1, Day_of_Month, Val=rnorm(54))