I can not use grep. In fact, I am in Notepad2. When I want to remove lines containing character "c", I am using the replace dialog (Ctrl+H):
Search string: ".*c.*"
Replace with: "" (nothing)
After that, I sort the lines and I get rid of the empty lines.
But now I need to empty all lines that actually do not contain character "c". Is it possible to do it in Notepad2?
If I can do it in Notepad2, then I can do it using JavaScript's String replace too, I guess.
Yes, you could anchor your pattern and use a negated character class.
Find: ^[^c]*$
^ # the beginning of the string
[^c]* # any character except: 'c' (0 or more times)
$ # before an optional \n, and the end of the string