Suppose I have this range:
How would I get the Nth item from the range without generating the entire thing before hand/each time?
Enumerate only up to n,
Develop a function that given a number n, f(n) gives you the nth item of your range of possible solutions.
In your case you may treat your range as a number system with base 26. Rebasing a number is a well known problem. There's an example on my site to go from a base-10 number to a base-26 number (represented by the alphabet) even in ruby (made by a colleague of mine). Some variation of this algorithm would probably also work for you.
Update Maybe it didn't sink in that this is your answer :D
Here's the ruby code to get the nth item of your range:
def rbase(value)
a = ('a'..'z')
b = a.to_a
base = b.length
text = []
value, rest = value.divmod(base)
text << b[rest]
end until
then you can use it like that.
irb(main):030:0> rbase(789).rjust(10,'a')
=> "aaaaaaabej"