We've been using Phabricator for post-commit code reviews (aka Audits) for some months now. When doing a commit we also attach an issue number ("Issue: XXXX").
The issue tracker url for this issue is:
I'm wondering if there's any way we could configure Phabricator to replace this text with a hyperlink to its corresponding URL
when viewing the commit's comment from Phabricator.
First step
Go to the configuration interface at <your-hosted-phabricator>/config/all/
Second step
Edit the following two parameters:
In bugtraq.logregex
In bugtraq.url
If you are using these same config settings for another tracking system, you will have to pick and choose. But, we found this very useful when linking to an unsupported bug tracking system.
You should be able to replace the url to your local system's url and build your own regex that will match your "Issue: XXXX" commit message.
Good Luck!