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Gigya doesn't work with Facebook while Google and Yahoo do work

I've already looked at this post and it doesn't answer my question.

I am using Gigya for social login and I can easily get it to work for google and yahoo providers, however the completionHandler is never called in the code below when I make the call with the facebook provider.

    - (void)socialLoginTapped:(NSString *) socialType {
        [Gigya loginToProvider:socialType parameters:nil over:self completionHandler:^(GSUser *user, NSError *error) {
            if (error != nil) {
                switch(error.code) {
                    case 200001:  // user cancelled

                    default:      // process other error here

            [self processGigyaUser:user];

I get the Facebook login screen just fine.

What factors would cause this to happen?

I am using the gigyaLoginDontLeaveApp key with value of YES in my plist to show all the integration logins within the app. It doesn't leave the app. So I don't normally call [Gigya handleDidBecomeActive]. On a whim, I did drop it in but it doesn't change the outcome as expected.


  • Verify that the FacebookAppID in the app's .plist and what is on Gigya are the same. Also update the URL Scheme.