I've already looked at this post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26734090/gigya-facebook-login-completion-handler-not-called
and it doesn't answer my question.
I am using Gigya for social login and I can easily get it to work for google
and yahoo
providers, however the completionHandler is never called in the code below when I make the call with the facebook
- (void)socialLoginTapped:(NSString *) socialType {
[Gigya loginToProvider:socialType parameters:nil over:self completionHandler:^(GSUser *user, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil) {
switch(error.code) {
case 200001: // user cancelled
default: // process other error here
[self processGigyaUser:user];
I get the Facebook login screen just fine.
What factors would cause this to happen?
I am using the gigyaLoginDontLeaveApp key with value of YES in my plist to show all the integration logins within the app. It doesn't leave the app. So I don't normally call [Gigya handleDidBecomeActive]. On a whim, I did drop it in but it doesn't change the outcome as expected.
Verify that the FacebookAppID in the app's .plist and what is on Gigya are the same. Also update the URL Scheme.