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Entity metadata wrapper

i'm getting error with metadata wrapper. i have a field test => entity reference multiple which is a selection list.I get the following Error EntityMetadataWrapperException : Invalid data value given. Be sure it matches the required data type and format.

$account = entity_load_single('user', $user->uid);
  $acc_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('user', $account);
  $list = $acc_wrapper->test->value();
  $exists = FALSE;
  if (!empty($list)) {
    foreach ($list as $item) {
      if ($item->nid == $form_state['storage']['node']->nid) {
        $exists = TRUE;
  if (!$exists) {
    if (!$list) {
      $list = array();
      $list[] = $form_state['storage']['node']->nid;



  • 1rst quick tips

    $account = entity_load_single('user', $user->uid);
    $acc_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('user', $account);

    You don't need to load the entity unless you need it loaded after (Or it's already loaded). All you need is the id, and let entity_metadata_wrapper magic operate.

    $acc_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('user', $user->uid);

    I think your error is here

    if (!$list) {
      $list = array();
      $list[] = $form_state['storage']['node']->nid;

    $list is always initiated because of "$list = $acc_wrapper->test->value();", so you never fullfill the condition, and then you are trying to set it back and save it (because you are missing a '}' )... Makes no sense...

    Could try this version ?

    $acc_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('user', $user->uid);
    $list = $acc_wrapper->test->value();
    $exists = FALSE;
    if (!empty($list)) {
      foreach ($list as $item) {
        if ($item->nid == $form_state['storage']['node']->nid) {
          $exists = TRUE;
    if (!$exists && !$list) {
        $list = array($form_state['storage']['node']->nid);
        $acc_wrapper->test = $list;