I have almost 2000 files which I need to rename.
The files are named in the following format: PART1#PART2#PART3.pdf
I would like to batch rename the files so that PART2 is moved before PART1 e.g. PART2#PART1#PART3.pdf
PART 1 = A random document reference e.g. 124244
PART 2 = A reference number e.g. 12-12434-A
PART 3 = A short description e.g. Part 1
The # symbol separates each of these parts.
Is there a simple utility which I can use to make this change?
Use a batch file
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
cd /d "c:\where\thefiles\are"
for /f "tokens=1,2,* delims=#" %%a in ('
dir /b /a-d *.pdf ^| findstr /r /b /e /i /c:"[^#][^#-]*#[^#][^#]*#..*\.pdf"
') do echo ren "%%a#%%b#%%c" "%%b#%%a#%%c"
What this code does is
Get the file list: a dir
command asking for .pdf
files in a bare format without the folders
Filters to only get the adecuated files: findstr
command, searching for a regular expression that matches the beginning and end of the lines, ignoring case. The expression that is tested against the file names is : a non #
character, followed by a sequence of non #
or -
characters (to avoid renaming the files twice), followed by a #
, followed by a non #
and a sequence of non #
characters, followed by a #
and any sequence of characters ending in .pdf
The for
command splits the names using the #
as token delimiter and for each one do the rename.
Rename operations are only echoed to console. If the output is correct, remove the echo